p, P p. Pa. PA pace Pacific pacify pack package pack animal packet pact pad paddle paddle wheel paddock paddy padlock pagan page¹ page² pageant pagoda paid pail pain painful painless paint painter painting pair pajamas Pakistan pal palace palate pale Paleozoic Palestine palette palisades pallet palm¹ palm² palmetto palomino pamper pamphlet pan Panama pancake pancreas panda pane panel pang panic panorama pansy pant panther pantomime pantry pants papaya paper paperback paper clip papoose paprika Papua New Guinea papyrus par parachute parade paradise paraffin paragraph Paraguay parakeet parallel parallelogram paralysis paralyze paramecium paramount parasite parasol paratrooper parcel parch parchment pardon pare parent parenthesis parish park parka parkway parliament parlor parochial parole parrot parsley parsnip parson part partial participate participle particle particular partition partly partner partnership part of speech partridge part-time party pass passage passageway passenger passing passion passionate Passover passport password past pasta paste pastel pasteurize pastime pastor past participle pastry past tense pasture pat patch patchwork patent patent leather paternal path pathetic patience patient patio patriarch patriot patriotic patriotism patrol patron patronize pattern patty pauper pause pave pavement pavilion paw pawn¹ pawn² pay payment payroll PE pea peace peaceful peace pipe peach peacock peak peal peanut peanut butter pear pearl peasant peat pebble pecan peck¹ peck² peculiar peculiarity pedal peddle peddler pedestal pedestrian pediatrician pedigree peek peel peep¹ peep² peer¹ peer² peg P.E.I. Pekingese pelican pellet pell-mell pelt¹ pelt² pen¹ pen² penalize penalty pencil pendant pendulum penetrate penguin penicillin peninsula penitentiary penknife penmanship Penn. or Penna. pen name pennant penniless Pennsylvania penny pension pentagon penthouse peony people pep pepper peppermint per perceive percent percentage perception perch¹ perch² percussion percussion instrument perennial perfect perfection perfectly perforate perform performance performer perfume perhaps peril perimeter period periodic periodical periscope perish perishable perjury permanent permission permit perpendicular perpetual perpetuate perplex persecute persecution Persia Persian persimmon persist persistent person personal personal computer personality personally personnel perspective perspiration perspire persuade persuasion pertain pertinent Peru peso pessimistic pest pester pesticide pestle pet petal petition petrify petroleum petticoat petty petunia pew pewter pg. phantom Pharaoh pharmacist pharmacy phase pheasant phenomenon philanthropist Philippines philodendron philosopher philosophy phlox phone phonetic phonograph phosphorus photo photograph photographer photography photosynthesis phrase physical physical fitness physician physicist physics pi pianist piano piccolo pick¹ pick² pickax pickerel picket pickle pickpocket pickup picnic picture picturesque pie piece pier pierce pig pigeon piggyback pigment pigpen pigsty pigtail pike pile¹ pile² pile³ pilgrim pill pillar pillory pillow pillowcase pilot pimple pin pinch pincushion pine pineapple Ping-Pong pink pinkeye pinpoint pint pinto pinwheel pioneer pious pipe pipeline piracy pirate pistachio pistil pistol piston pit¹ pit² pitch¹ pitch² pitcher¹ pitcher² pitchfork pith pitiful pity pivot pixel pizza pl. place placid plague plaid plain plan plane¹ plane² planet planetarium plank plankton plant plantain plantation planter plaque plasma plaster plastic plate plateau platform platinum platoon platter platypus play player playful playground playing card playmate playpen plaything playwright plaza plea plead pleasant please pleasing pleasure pleat pled pledge plentiful plenty plesiosaur pliers plod plot plover plow pluck plug plum plumage plumb plumber plumbing plume plump plunder plunge plural plus Pluto plutonium plywood p.m. or P.M. pneumonia P.O. pocket pocketbook pocketknife pod poem poet poetic poetry poinsettia point pointer point of view poise poison poison ivy poisonous poke poker¹ poker² Poland polar polar bear pole¹ pole² Pole polecat pole vault police policeman police officer policewoman policy¹ policy² polio poliomyelitis polish Polish polite political politician politics polka polka dot poll pollen pollination pollute pollution polo polygon polyp pomegranate pomp poncho pond ponder pony pony express ponytail poodle pool¹ pool² poor pop popcorn pope poplar poppy popular popularity population populous porcelain porch porcupine pore¹ pore² pork porous porpoise porridge port portable porter porthole portico portion portrait portray Portugal Portuguese pose position positive posse possess possession possessive possibility possible possibly possum post- post¹ post² post³ postage postage stamp postal Postal Service postcard poster postman postmark postmaster postmistress post office postpone postscript posture postwar pot potassium potato potential potter pottery pouch poultry pounce pound¹ pound² pound³ pour pout poverty powder power powerful pp. PQ PR P.R. practical practical joke practically practice prairie prairie dog prairie schooner praise prance prank pray prayer praying mantis pre- preach preacher precaution precede precedent preceding precinct precious precipitate precipitation precise precision precocious predator predecessor predicament predicate predicate adjective predicate noun predict prediction preface prefer preference prefix pregnant prehistoric prejudice preliminary premature premier premise preparation prepare preposition prepositional prescribe prescription presence present¹ present² presentation presently present participle present tense preservation preservative preserve preside presidency president president-elect Presidents’ Day press pressure prestige presume pretend pretty pretzel prevent prevention preventive preview previous prey price priceless prick prickly prickly pear pride pried¹ pried² priest primary primary color primary school primate prime prime minister prime number primitive primrose prince Prince Edward Island princess principal principle print printer printing printing press printout prism prison prisoner privacy private privilege privileged prize¹ prize² pro probability probable probably probation probe problem procedure proceed proceeds process procession proclaim proclamation prod produce producer product production productive profess profession professional professor profile profit profitable profound profuse program programmer progress progressive prohibit project projectile projection projector prolong prominent promise promontory promote promotion prompt prone prong pronoun pronounce pronunciation proof proofread prop propaganda propel propeller proper proper adjective properly proper noun property prophecy prophet proportion proposal propose proposition propulsion prose prosecute prosecution prospect prospector prosper prosperity prosperous protect protection protective protein protest Protestant proton protoplasm protozoan protrude proud prove proven proverb provide provided province provincial provision provoke prow prowl prudence prudent prune¹ prune² pry¹ pry² P.S. psalm psychiatrist psychiatry psychological psychologist psychology pt. pterodactyl public publication publicity public school publish publisher puck pudding puddle pueblo Puerto Rican Puerto Rico puff puffin pull pulley pulp pulpit pulse puma pump pumpkin pun punch¹ punch² punch³ punctual punctuate punctuation punctuation mark puncture pungent punish punishment pup pupa pupil¹ pupil² puppet puppy purchase pure purebred purify Puritan purity purple purpose purposeful purposely purr purse pursue pursuit pus push push-up pussy willow put putty puzzle pyramid python